Fit Mom's Fat Loss Jump Start Workout
Attention busy moms! Team FitMiss athlete Kate Horney knows your time is limited. That's why she's formulated the Fit Mom Jump Start to help you:
- Discover the #1 Secret to Losing Fat
- Learn the key to getting the results you want
- Get started eating clean
- Reduce the time in the gym with maximum impact moves
Quick Start Guide
- Each day you will find a new workout on the schedule. Just watch the exercise videos for your daily workout.
- Check out the nutrition guidelines. Modify as you see fit and customize to fit your needs.
- On sprint day, you can do a sprint workout of choice. Here's how to set up your sprints.
- Make sure you balance your cortisol levels with leisurely walks. I know it’s easier said than done, but you really need to stress less! Why? Because high cortisol levels from stress impact your ability to burn fat. When possible, try to lower cortisol by doing restorative activities like leisurely walking and having quiet time to destress (even if it’s just 5 minutes!).
- The key to the success off this program is accountability! So be sure to share the Jump Start link with a friend and invite them to join you.
- Post your workout #sweatieselfie photos and photos of your meal each day and tag @beyondfitmom @iamfitmiss @muscleandstrength #fitmomjumpstart so we can see how you’re doing!
Adhering to and finding a plan that is sustainable and can be part of your lifestyle is key to any fat loss results. Use the 7 day sample meal plan below to create a customized plan with the foods and combinations that work best for YOU!
The Nutrition Rules
- Eat protein + produce at every meal
- Eat only whole food + quality supplements (like FitMiss) - no processed junk
- No white flour
- No soda
- No sugar
- Eat 4-5 small meals daily
- Drink 1.2x your bodyweight in oz. of water daily
You will most likely need to adjust this meal plan based on your own unique metabolism, hormonal balance and goals. If you’d like to learn more about how to calculate your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) and your daily caloric needs, please use the BMR Calculator.

Here are some sample meal ideas that you can adjust to help balance hunger, energy, and cravings and to help you burn from the lower body and increase your metabolism.
Day 1
- Breakfast: Cinnamon-Apple Oat Bran- Prepare ¼ cup oat bran with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and sweetener. Top oat bran with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. Serve with 3 scrambled egg whites
- PWO: (Move this meal to 30-60 minutes after your workout)- FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup berries
- Lunch: Smoked Turkey and Avocado Roll Up- Mash 1/2 avocado; season to taste with lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Spread on a large Romaine lettuce leaf and top with 3 slices smoked turkey, 2 tablespoons salsa, and roll up into another large lettuce leaf. Serve with 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers.
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Taco Squash Bake served with a side garden salad
Day 2
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- Snack: BeyondFit’s Peanut Butter Protein Frosty made with FITMISS Delight - Vanilla Chai, served with a small apple.
- Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad: Large mixed greens salad with as many fibrous veggies on top as desired, add 1 chicken breast on top
- Dinner: Turkey & Veggie Meatloaf served with steamed fibrous veggies
Day 3
- Breakfast: 4 scrambled egg whites with unlimited fibrous veggies
- PWO: FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: Celery topped with 2 Tbsp all-nautral peanut-butter
- Lunch: Large salad with fibrous veggies, 1 serving of lean protein of choice topped with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Healthy Chicken Tenders served with Cauliflower Tots and a side salad.
Day 4
- Breakfast: 1 scoop FITMISS Delight - Banana Cream protein powder mixed into 1/3 cup oat bran made with water and topped with 1/4 cup fresh berries
- Snack: 2 of BeyondFit's Breakfast Cookies
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas served with a low carb tortilla or large salad
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Healthy Lasagna served with a large garden salad
Day 5
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- PWO: Blend 1 scoop FITMISS Delight- Vanilla Chai with 8 oz unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 cup frozen berries. Add stevia and ice to desired thickness & taste.
- Snack: 1 Fat Loss Friendly Peanut Butter Cookie
- Lunch: Fat Loss Friendly Burger & Fries served with a side salad topped with 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Skinny Taco Salad Bar
Day 6
- Breakfast: 2 BeyondFit's Baked Donuts with a side of 3 hardboiled egg whites
- Lunch: Turkey Burger & Sweet Potato Chips served with side garden salad
- Dinner: 1 serving of your protein choice plus unlimited fibrous veggies
- Dessert: BeyondFit's Healthy Brownies
Day 7
- Breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes
- Snack: 2 hardboiled eggs, cucumber slices
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Protein Packed Pizza served with a side garden salad
- Dinner: Fat Loss Friendly Stuffed Peppers with steamed fibrous veggies of choice
Use these indicators to adjust your nutrition plan:
- If you are seeing fat loss results but are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are gaining fat and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...lower your starch and fat intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...increase protein intake and lower starch intake.
- If you are gaining fat but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...lower starch intake
- If you are seeing fat loss results and have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...congratulations! Stay here until you begin to see a shift in results or in your metabolic hormone balance.

Week 1
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2 - Metabolic Conditioning
Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit: 1 minute met con exercise - 1 minute rest (x3 exercises)
- Lunge Jumps
- Burpees
- Bench Crossover
This workout should take a total of 12 minutes.
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Bent-Over Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Static Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 2
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
In Place Lunge/Row | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Bench Crossover | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk

Week 3
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 10-12 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
In Place Lunge/Row | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 4
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Fat Loss Training Tip: By introducing sprints & metabolic conditioning into our schedule, we will begin to facilitate increased fat burning hormonal effects, while minimizing the risk of losing any hard-earned muscle.
Fit Mom's Fat Loss Jump Start Workout

Attention busy moms! Team FitMiss athlete Kate Horney knows your time is limited. That's why she's formulated the Fit Mom Jump Start to help you:
- Discover the #1 Secret to Losing Fat
- Learn the key to getting the results you want
- Get started eating clean
- Reduce the time in the gym with maximum impact moves
Quick Start Guide
- Each day you will find a new workout on the schedule. Just watch the exercise videos for your daily workout.
- Check out the nutrition guidelines. Modify as you see fit and customize to fit your needs.
- On sprint day, you can do a sprint workout of choice. Here's how to set up your sprints.
- Make sure you balance your cortisol levels with leisurely walks. I know it’s easier said than done, but you really need to stress less! Why? Because high cortisol levels from stress impact your ability to burn fat. When possible, try to lower cortisol by doing restorative activities like leisurely walking and having quiet time to destress (even if it’s just 5 minutes!).
- The key to the success off this program is accountability! So be sure to share the Jump Start link with a friend and invite them to join you.
- Post your workout #sweatieselfie photos and photos of your meal each day and tag @beyondfitmom @iamfitmiss @muscleandstrength #fitmomjumpstart so we can see how you’re doing!
Adhering to and finding a plan that is sustainable and can be part of your lifestyle is key to any fat loss results. Use the 7 day sample meal plan below to create a customized plan with the foods and combinations that work best for YOU!
The Nutrition Rules
- Eat protein + produce at every meal
- Eat only whole food + quality supplements (like FitMiss) - no processed junk
- No white flour
- No soda
- No sugar
- Eat 4-5 small meals daily
- Drink 1.2x your bodyweight in oz. of water daily
You will most likely need to adjust this meal plan based on your own unique metabolism, hormonal balance and goals. If you’d like to learn more about how to calculate your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) and your daily caloric needs, please use the BMR Calculator.

Here are some sample meal ideas that you can adjust to help balance hunger, energy, and cravings and to help you burn from the lower body and increase your metabolism.
Day 1
- Breakfast: Cinnamon-Apple Oat Bran- Prepare ¼ cup oat bran with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and sweetener. Top oat bran with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. Serve with 3 scrambled egg whites
- PWO: (Move this meal to 30-60 minutes after your workout)- FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup berries
- Lunch: Smoked Turkey and Avocado Roll Up- Mash 1/2 avocado; season to taste with lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Spread on a large Romaine lettuce leaf and top with 3 slices smoked turkey, 2 tablespoons salsa, and roll up into another large lettuce leaf. Serve with 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers.
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Taco Squash Bake served with a side garden salad
Day 2
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- Snack: BeyondFit’s Peanut Butter Protein Frosty made with FITMISS Delight - Vanilla Chai, served with a small apple.
- Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad: Large mixed greens salad with as many fibrous veggies on top as desired, add 1 chicken breast on top
- Dinner: Turkey & Veggie Meatloaf served with steamed fibrous veggies
Day 3
- Breakfast: 4 scrambled egg whites with unlimited fibrous veggies
- PWO: FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: Celery topped with 2 Tbsp all-nautral peanut-butter
- Lunch: Large salad with fibrous veggies, 1 serving of lean protein of choice topped with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Healthy Chicken Tenders served with Cauliflower Tots and a side salad.
Day 4
- Breakfast: 1 scoop FITMISS Delight - Banana Cream protein powder mixed into 1/3 cup oat bran made with water and topped with 1/4 cup fresh berries
- Snack: 2 of BeyondFit's Breakfast Cookies
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas served with a low carb tortilla or large salad
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Healthy Lasagna served with a large garden salad
Day 5
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- PWO: Blend 1 scoop FITMISS Delight- Vanilla Chai with 8 oz unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 cup frozen berries. Add stevia and ice to desired thickness & taste.
- Snack: 1 Fat Loss Friendly Peanut Butter Cookie
- Lunch: Fat Loss Friendly Burger & Fries served with a side salad topped with 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Skinny Taco Salad Bar
Day 6
- Breakfast: 2 BeyondFit's Baked Donuts with a side of 3 hardboiled egg whites
- Lunch: Turkey Burger & Sweet Potato Chips served with side garden salad
- Dinner: 1 serving of your protein choice plus unlimited fibrous veggies
- Dessert: BeyondFit's Healthy Brownies
Day 7
- Breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes
- Snack: 2 hardboiled eggs, cucumber slices
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Protein Packed Pizza served with a side garden salad
- Dinner: Fat Loss Friendly Stuffed Peppers with steamed fibrous veggies of choice
Use these indicators to adjust your nutrition plan:
- If you are seeing fat loss results but are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are gaining fat and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...lower your starch and fat intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...increase protein intake and lower starch intake.
- If you are gaining fat but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...lower starch intake
- If you are seeing fat loss results and have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...congratulations! Stay here until you begin to see a shift in results or in your metabolic hormone balance.

Week 1
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2 - Metabolic Conditioning
Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit: 1 minute met con exercise - 1 minute rest (x3 exercises)
- Lunge Jumps
- Burpees
- Bench Crossover
This workout should take a total of 12 minutes.
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Bent-Over Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Static Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 2
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
In Place Lunge/Row | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Bench Crossover | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk

Week 3
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 10-12 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
In Place Lunge/Row | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 4
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Fat Loss Training Tip: By introducing sprints & metabolic conditioning into our schedule, we will begin to facilitate increased fat burning hormonal effects, while minimizing the risk of losing any hard-earned muscle.
Fit Mom's Fat Loss Jump Start Workout

Attention busy moms! Team FitMiss athlete Kate Horney knows your time is limited. That's why she's formulated the Fit Mom Jump Start to help you:
- Discover the #1 Secret to Losing Fat
- Learn the key to getting the results you want
- Get started eating clean
- Reduce the time in the gym with maximum impact moves
Quick Start Guide
- Each day you will find a new workout on the schedule. Just watch the exercise videos for your daily workout.
- Check out the nutrition guidelines. Modify as you see fit and customize to fit your needs.
- On sprint day, you can do a sprint workout of choice. Here's how to set up your sprints.
- Make sure you balance your cortisol levels with leisurely walks. I know it’s easier said than done, but you really need to stress less! Why? Because high cortisol levels from stress impact your ability to burn fat. When possible, try to lower cortisol by doing restorative activities like leisurely walking and having quiet time to destress (even if it’s just 5 minutes!).
- The key to the success off this program is accountability! So be sure to share the Jump Start link with a friend and invite them to join you.
- Post your workout #sweatieselfie photos and photos of your meal each day and tag @beyondfitmom @iamfitmiss @muscleandstrength #fitmomjumpstart so we can see how you’re doing!
Adhering to and finding a plan that is sustainable and can be part of your lifestyle is key to any fat loss results. Use the 7 day sample meal plan below to create a customized plan with the foods and combinations that work best for YOU!
The Nutrition Rules
- Eat protein + produce at every meal
- Eat only whole food + quality supplements (like FitMiss) - no processed junk
- No white flour
- No soda
- No sugar
- Eat 4-5 small meals daily
- Drink 1.2x your bodyweight in oz. of water daily
You will most likely need to adjust this meal plan based on your own unique metabolism, hormonal balance and goals. If you’d like to learn more about how to calculate your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) and your daily caloric needs, please use the BMR Calculator.

Here are some sample meal ideas that you can adjust to help balance hunger, energy, and cravings and to help you burn from the lower body and increase your metabolism.
Day 1
- Breakfast: Cinnamon-Apple Oat Bran- Prepare ¼ cup oat bran with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and sweetener. Top oat bran with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. Serve with 3 scrambled egg whites
- PWO: (Move this meal to 30-60 minutes after your workout)- FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup berries
- Lunch: Smoked Turkey and Avocado Roll Up- Mash 1/2 avocado; season to taste with lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Spread on a large Romaine lettuce leaf and top with 3 slices smoked turkey, 2 tablespoons salsa, and roll up into another large lettuce leaf. Serve with 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers.
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Taco Squash Bake served with a side garden salad
Day 2
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- Snack: BeyondFit’s Peanut Butter Protein Frosty made with FITMISS Delight - Vanilla Chai, served with a small apple.
- Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad: Large mixed greens salad with as many fibrous veggies on top as desired, add 1 chicken breast on top
- Dinner: Turkey & Veggie Meatloaf served with steamed fibrous veggies
Day 3
- Breakfast: 4 scrambled egg whites with unlimited fibrous veggies
- PWO: FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: Celery topped with 2 Tbsp all-nautral peanut-butter
- Lunch: Large salad with fibrous veggies, 1 serving of lean protein of choice topped with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Healthy Chicken Tenders served with Cauliflower Tots and a side salad.
Day 4
- Breakfast: 1 scoop FITMISS Delight - Banana Cream protein powder mixed into 1/3 cup oat bran made with water and topped with 1/4 cup fresh berries
- Snack: 2 of BeyondFit's Breakfast Cookies
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas served with a low carb tortilla or large salad
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Healthy Lasagna served with a large garden salad
Day 5
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- PWO: Blend 1 scoop FITMISS Delight- Vanilla Chai with 8 oz unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 cup frozen berries. Add stevia and ice to desired thickness & taste.
- Snack: 1 Fat Loss Friendly Peanut Butter Cookie
- Lunch: Fat Loss Friendly Burger & Fries served with a side salad topped with 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Skinny Taco Salad Bar
Day 6
- Breakfast: 2 BeyondFit's Baked Donuts with a side of 3 hardboiled egg whites
- Lunch: Turkey Burger & Sweet Potato Chips served with side garden salad
- Dinner: 1 serving of your protein choice plus unlimited fibrous veggies
- Dessert: BeyondFit's Healthy Brownies
Day 7
- Breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes
- Snack: 2 hardboiled eggs, cucumber slices
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Protein Packed Pizza served with a side garden salad
- Dinner: Fat Loss Friendly Stuffed Peppers with steamed fibrous veggies of choice
Use these indicators to adjust your nutrition plan:
- If you are seeing fat loss results but are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are gaining fat and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...lower your starch and fat intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...increase protein intake and lower starch intake.
- If you are gaining fat but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...lower starch intake
- If you are seeing fat loss results and have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...congratulations! Stay here until you begin to see a shift in results or in your metabolic hormone balance.

Week 1
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2 - Metabolic Conditioning
Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit: 1 minute met con exercise - 1 minute rest (x3 exercises)
- Lunge Jumps
- Burpees
- Bench Crossover
This workout should take a total of 12 minutes.
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Bent-Over Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Static Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 2
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
In Place Lunge/Row | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Bench Crossover | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk

Week 3
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 10-12 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
In Place Lunge/Row | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 4
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Fat Loss Training Tip: By introducing sprints & metabolic conditioning into our schedule, we will begin to facilitate increased fat burning hormonal effects, while minimizing the risk of losing any hard-earned muscle.
Fit Mom's Fat Loss Jump Start Workout

Attention busy moms! Team FitMiss athlete Kate Horney knows your time is limited. That's why she's formulated the Fit Mom Jump Start to help you:
- Discover the #1 Secret to Losing Fat
- Learn the key to getting the results you want
- Get started eating clean
- Reduce the time in the gym with maximum impact moves
Quick Start Guide
- Each day you will find a new workout on the schedule. Just watch the exercise videos for your daily workout.
- Check out the nutrition guidelines. Modify as you see fit and customize to fit your needs.
- On sprint day, you can do a sprint workout of choice. Here's how to set up your sprints.
- Make sure you balance your cortisol levels with leisurely walks. I know it’s easier said than done, but you really need to stress less! Why? Because high cortisol levels from stress impact your ability to burn fat. When possible, try to lower cortisol by doing restorative activities like leisurely walking and having quiet time to destress (even if it’s just 5 minutes!).
- The key to the success off this program is accountability! So be sure to share the Jump Start link with a friend and invite them to join you.
- Post your workout #sweatieselfie photos and photos of your meal each day and tag @beyondfitmom @iamfitmiss @muscleandstrength #fitmomjumpstart so we can see how you’re doing!
Adhering to and finding a plan that is sustainable and can be part of your lifestyle is key to any fat loss results. Use the 7 day sample meal plan below to create a customized plan with the foods and combinations that work best for YOU!
The Nutrition Rules
- Eat protein + produce at every meal
- Eat only whole food + quality supplements (like FitMiss) - no processed junk
- No white flour
- No soda
- No sugar
- Eat 4-5 small meals daily
- Drink 1.2x your bodyweight in oz. of water daily
You will most likely need to adjust this meal plan based on your own unique metabolism, hormonal balance and goals. If you’d like to learn more about how to calculate your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) and your daily caloric needs, please use the BMR Calculator.

Here are some sample meal ideas that you can adjust to help balance hunger, energy, and cravings and to help you burn from the lower body and increase your metabolism.
Day 1
- Breakfast: Cinnamon-Apple Oat Bran- Prepare ¼ cup oat bran with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and sweetener. Top oat bran with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. Serve with 3 scrambled egg whites
- PWO: (Move this meal to 30-60 minutes after your workout)- FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup berries
- Lunch: Smoked Turkey and Avocado Roll Up- Mash 1/2 avocado; season to taste with lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Spread on a large Romaine lettuce leaf and top with 3 slices smoked turkey, 2 tablespoons salsa, and roll up into another large lettuce leaf. Serve with 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers.
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Taco Squash Bake served with a side garden salad
Day 2
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- Snack: BeyondFit’s Peanut Butter Protein Frosty made with FITMISS Delight - Vanilla Chai, served with a small apple.
- Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad: Large mixed greens salad with as many fibrous veggies on top as desired, add 1 chicken breast on top
- Dinner: Turkey & Veggie Meatloaf served with steamed fibrous veggies
Day 3
- Breakfast: 4 scrambled egg whites with unlimited fibrous veggies
- PWO: FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: Celery topped with 2 Tbsp all-nautral peanut-butter
- Lunch: Large salad with fibrous veggies, 1 serving of lean protein of choice topped with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Healthy Chicken Tenders served with Cauliflower Tots and a side salad.
Day 4
- Breakfast: 1 scoop FITMISS Delight - Banana Cream protein powder mixed into 1/3 cup oat bran made with water and topped with 1/4 cup fresh berries
- Snack: 2 of BeyondFit's Breakfast Cookies
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas served with a low carb tortilla or large salad
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Healthy Lasagna served with a large garden salad
Day 5
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- PWO: Blend 1 scoop FITMISS Delight- Vanilla Chai with 8 oz unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 cup frozen berries. Add stevia and ice to desired thickness & taste.
- Snack: 1 Fat Loss Friendly Peanut Butter Cookie
- Lunch: Fat Loss Friendly Burger & Fries served with a side salad topped with 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Skinny Taco Salad Bar
Day 6
- Breakfast: 2 BeyondFit's Baked Donuts with a side of 3 hardboiled egg whites
- Lunch: Turkey Burger & Sweet Potato Chips served with side garden salad
- Dinner: 1 serving of your protein choice plus unlimited fibrous veggies
- Dessert: BeyondFit's Healthy Brownies
Day 7
- Breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes
- Snack: 2 hardboiled eggs, cucumber slices
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Protein Packed Pizza served with a side garden salad
- Dinner: Fat Loss Friendly Stuffed Peppers with steamed fibrous veggies of choice
Use these indicators to adjust your nutrition plan:
- If you are seeing fat loss results but are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are gaining fat and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...lower your starch and fat intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...increase protein intake and lower starch intake.
- If you are gaining fat but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...lower starch intake
- If you are seeing fat loss results and have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...congratulations! Stay here until you begin to see a shift in results or in your metabolic hormone balance.

Week 1
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2 - Metabolic Conditioning
Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit: 1 minute met con exercise - 1 minute rest (x3 exercises)
- Lunge Jumps
- Burpees
- Bench Crossover
This workout should take a total of 12 minutes.
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Bent-Over Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Static Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 2
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
In Place Lunge/Row | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Bench Crossover | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk

Week 3
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 10-12 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
In Place Lunge/Row | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 4
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Fat Loss Training Tip: By introducing sprints & metabolic conditioning into our schedule, we will begin to facilitate increased fat burning hormonal effects, while minimizing the risk of losing any hard-earned muscle.
Fit Mom's Fat Loss Jump Start Workout

Attention busy moms! Team FitMiss athlete Kate Horney knows your time is limited. That's why she's formulated the Fit Mom Jump Start to help you:
- Discover the #1 Secret to Losing Fat
- Learn the key to getting the results you want
- Get started eating clean
- Reduce the time in the gym with maximum impact moves
Quick Start Guide
- Each day you will find a new workout on the schedule. Just watch the exercise videos for your daily workout.
- Check out the nutrition guidelines. Modify as you see fit and customize to fit your needs.
- On sprint day, you can do a sprint workout of choice. Here's how to set up your sprints.
- Make sure you balance your cortisol levels with leisurely walks. I know it’s easier said than done, but you really need to stress less! Why? Because high cortisol levels from stress impact your ability to burn fat. When possible, try to lower cortisol by doing restorative activities like leisurely walking and having quiet time to destress (even if it’s just 5 minutes!).
- The key to the success off this program is accountability! So be sure to share the Jump Start link with a friend and invite them to join you.
- Post your workout #sweatieselfie photos and photos of your meal each day and tag @beyondfitmom @iamfitmiss @muscleandstrength #fitmomjumpstart so we can see how you’re doing!
Adhering to and finding a plan that is sustainable and can be part of your lifestyle is key to any fat loss results. Use the 7 day sample meal plan below to create a customized plan with the foods and combinations that work best for YOU!
The Nutrition Rules
- Eat protein + produce at every meal
- Eat only whole food + quality supplements (like FitMiss) - no processed junk
- No white flour
- No soda
- No sugar
- Eat 4-5 small meals daily
- Drink 1.2x your bodyweight in oz. of water daily
You will most likely need to adjust this meal plan based on your own unique metabolism, hormonal balance and goals. If you’d like to learn more about how to calculate your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you burn at rest) and your daily caloric needs, please use the BMR Calculator.

Here are some sample meal ideas that you can adjust to help balance hunger, energy, and cravings and to help you burn from the lower body and increase your metabolism.
Day 1
- Breakfast: Cinnamon-Apple Oat Bran- Prepare ¼ cup oat bran with 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Microwave 3/4 of a small apple, chopped, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and sweetener. Top oat bran with apples and 1 tablespoon chopped walnuts. Serve with 3 scrambled egg whites
- PWO: (Move this meal to 30-60 minutes after your workout)- FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 cup berries
- Lunch: Smoked Turkey and Avocado Roll Up- Mash 1/2 avocado; season to taste with lemon juice, salt and black pepper. Spread on a large Romaine lettuce leaf and top with 3 slices smoked turkey, 2 tablespoons salsa, and roll up into another large lettuce leaf. Serve with 1/2 cup sliced cucumbers.
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Taco Squash Bake served with a side garden salad
Day 2
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- Snack: BeyondFit’s Peanut Butter Protein Frosty made with FITMISS Delight - Vanilla Chai, served with a small apple.
- Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad: Large mixed greens salad with as many fibrous veggies on top as desired, add 1 chicken breast on top
- Dinner: Turkey & Veggie Meatloaf served with steamed fibrous veggies
Day 3
- Breakfast: 4 scrambled egg whites with unlimited fibrous veggies
- PWO: FITMISS Delight- Chocolate Brownie Batter Protein Shake with a small apple.
- Snack: Celery topped with 2 Tbsp all-nautral peanut-butter
- Lunch: Large salad with fibrous veggies, 1 serving of lean protein of choice topped with 1 Tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit’s Healthy Chicken Tenders served with Cauliflower Tots and a side salad.
Day 4
- Breakfast: 1 scoop FITMISS Delight - Banana Cream protein powder mixed into 1/3 cup oat bran made with water and topped with 1/4 cup fresh berries
- Snack: 2 of BeyondFit's Breakfast Cookies
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas served with a low carb tortilla or large salad
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Healthy Lasagna served with a large garden salad
Day 5
- Breakfast: 4 egg white omelet with fibrous veggies, 1/3 cup oat bran (or 1⁄2 cup oatmeal) made with water- add stevia/cinnamon to taste. Serve with 1/2 cup berries.
- PWO: Blend 1 scoop FITMISS Delight- Vanilla Chai with 8 oz unsweetened almond milk and 1/3 cup frozen berries. Add stevia and ice to desired thickness & taste.
- Snack: 1 Fat Loss Friendly Peanut Butter Cookie
- Lunch: Fat Loss Friendly Burger & Fries served with a side salad topped with 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
- Dinner: BeyondFit's Skinny Taco Salad Bar
Day 6
- Breakfast: 2 BeyondFit's Baked Donuts with a side of 3 hardboiled egg whites
- Lunch: Turkey Burger & Sweet Potato Chips served with side garden salad
- Dinner: 1 serving of your protein choice plus unlimited fibrous veggies
- Dessert: BeyondFit's Healthy Brownies
Day 7
- Breakfast: Peanut Butter Banana Protein Pancakes
- Snack: 2 hardboiled eggs, cucumber slices
- Lunch: BeyondFit's Protein Packed Pizza served with a side garden salad
- Dinner: Fat Loss Friendly Stuffed Peppers with steamed fibrous veggies of choice
Use these indicators to adjust your nutrition plan:
- If you are seeing fat loss results but are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...increase your protein and fiber intake
- If you are gaining fat and are experiencing hunger, low energy, or cravings...lower your starch and fat intake
- If you are not seeing fat loss results but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...increase protein intake and lower starch intake.
- If you are gaining fat but have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...lower starch intake
- If you are seeing fat loss results and have balanced hunger, energy, and cravings...congratulations! Stay here until you begin to see a shift in results or in your metabolic hormone balance.

Week 1
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2 - Metabolic Conditioning
Complete 2 rounds of the following circuit: 1 minute met con exercise - 1 minute rest (x3 exercises)
- Lunge Jumps
- Burpees
- Bench Crossover
This workout should take a total of 12 minutes.
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Bent-Over Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Static Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 2
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
In Place Lunge/Row | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Fly | 8-10 reps |
Bench Crossover | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk

Week 3
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Curl | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 10-12 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Curl/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 10-12 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Row/Fly | 10-12 reps |
Walking Lunges | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
In Place Lunge/Row | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 10-12 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 10-12 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Week 4
Day 1
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Squat/Row | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Russian Twist | 1 Minute |
Step Up/Row | 8-10 reps |
Lunge Jumps | 1 Minute |
Day 2
- Metabolic Conditioning
Day 3
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Chest Press/Crunch | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Lunge/Side Raise | 8-10 reps |
Pulse Up | 1 Minute |
Squat/Curl | 8-10 reps |
Burpees | 1 Minute |
Day 4
- Leisurely Walk
Day 5
Repeat the following circuit as many times as possible in 20 minutes
Exercise | For Reps or Time |
Curl/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Chest Press/Chest Fly | 8-10 reps |
Suitcase Squats | 1 Minute |
Row/Extension | 8-10 reps |
Bodyweight Squats | 1 Minute |
Day 6
- Sprints
Day 7
- Leisurely Walk
Fat Loss Training Tip: By introducing sprints & metabolic conditioning into our schedule, we will begin to facilitate increased fat burning hormonal effects, while minimizing the risk of losing any hard-earned muscle.