Tuesday, 15 January 2019


The Carb Cycling Diet Plan Guide

Learn everything you need to know before starting the Carb Cycling Diet plan including it's history, guidelines & components, & all the science behind it.
Carb cycling is a dietary tool that essentially uses a fasted and fed approach; however it is unique in that it focuses specifically on carbohydrate intake and not any other macronutrient.
It uses long periods of carbohydrate restriction coupled with short windows of carbohydrate referring (aka refeeds).
The theory behind this diet is similar to other diets that manipulate dietary carbohydrates in that they are attempting to leverage insulin signaling to maximize fat loss.
Carb cycling adopts a different approach from other diets like the ketogenic diet or other low carbohydrate diets by including periods of high carbohydrate intake.
Carb cycling is also referred to as the cyclic ketogenic diet as it uses periods of ketosis which are purported to have some health benefits.

History of Carb Cycling

From what we can gather carb cycling as it is currently thought of is believed to have been created and implemented by Franco Carlotto in the late 1980s or early 1990s. It was a riff off of both the high carbohydrate diet ideas that pervaded the bodybuilding scene and the low-carb diets that were beginning to gain popularity in some of the dieting circles.
It was the first attempt to blend several ideas into one diet that might take advantage of the benefits of different dietary approaches that were being implemented during the Golden Era of Bodybuilding. More recently, it has, for all intents and purposes, been repackaged into the modern day Carb Nite and Carb Backloading diets.
Grilled Chicken that is part of the Carb Cycling Diet Plan

General Overview of Components and Main Principles of Carb Cycling

Carb cycling (AKA the cyclic ketogenic diet) typically prescribes 5-6 days of very low carbohydrate intake, usually less than 50 grams per day. On the 6th or 7th day there is a carbohydrate refeed day where carbohydrate intake increases up to 450-600 grams of carbohydrates while keeping fat intake incredibly low.
The goal of the refeed is to refill muscle glycogen levels, “recover” some potential down regulation of hormones that are affected during dieting, and carbohydrate restriction (e.g. thyroid hormone), and to help with mental aspect of restricting food to a substantial degree.
These refeed periods are critical aspects of the diet and are what set it apart both in practice and in theory from the ketogenic diet. They are designed to allow for periods of being well nourished from a carbohydrate perspective in order to allow for several days of high-intensity, high-volume training.
In practice, this makes a much better approach to cutting, or periods of fat loss, for individuals with high training volume.

Meal Timing/Frequency

As canonically thought of, carb cycling does not prescribe rigid timing or frequency of meals. Some variations of carb cycling, such as Carb Nite or Carb Backloading suggest defined windows of consuming your daily carbohydrates, specifically in the evening.
These aspects of carb cycling have not been tested or proven in the scientific literature and currently remain “bro-lore”.


Carb cycling restricts the macronutrients (aka the quantity) of your diet quite extensively but not the quality. For 5-6 days a week one is required to keep their carbohydrate intake incredibly low, usually less than 50 grams per day. On the 6th or 7th day one is required to eat 450-600 grams of carbohydrates and keep fat intake quite low.
As carb cycling is usually a “macro-based” diet, it is often layered on top of an If It Fits Your Macros or Flexible Dieting paradigm. As such, carb cycling is typically not restrictive of food quality and does not generally prescribe lists of “do not eat” foods.

Does it Include Phases?

Carb cycling essentially includes two phases:
  1. The low carb phase 
  2. The refeed phase. 
The phases can differ person to person based on their individual situation. For some individuals, their low-carb/refeed day ratio looks like 5:1 or 6:1, whereas other individuals with higher training volumes may opt for a 4:1 or 3:1 ratio.
Pasta as part of the refeed for Carb Cycling Diet Plan

Who is it Best Suited For?

Carb cycling is best suited for people who are trying to control calorie intake and enjoy a low-carb dieting approach, but who also want to be able to train at a higher level. Typically, ketogenic diets reduce an individual’s training capacity and recovery capacity.
Carb cycling allows for several day windows of high muscle glycogen levels to maximize training and recovery that are typically not available to individuals utilizing a ketogenic diet approach.

How Easy is it to Follow?

In many respects, carb cycling is the “easier to follow” version of the ketogenic diet. Carb cycling allows for a mental break from carbohydrate restriction and allows for days of higher calorie intake to also help curb some of the issues that arise during dieting.
Additionally, it does not have strict requirements of food quality and does not have a strict do not eat list. In other respects it can be difficult to follow as it requires large stretches of reducing dietary carbohydrate which can impinge on daily life and social gatherings.
The refeed days can be impractical and difficult to execute for some people as 450-600 grams of carbohydrates can be a lot of food to consume in one day.

Mainstream Belief Behind Diet

The main stream belief behind carb cycling is that it couples the theorized fat loss benefits of the ketogenic diet along with the benefits of higher carbohydrate intake for training and growing muscle. It is the attempt to merge the benefits of both low-carb and high carb diets.
While much of the “theory” underlying the diet has not been well researched in the science circles (aka no peer reviewed studies directly addressing carb cycling), it has been well used and well tested in bodybuilding, fat loss, weight lifting, powerlifting, and endurance circles.
Salad that is part of the carb cycling diet plan

Scientific Studies and Interpretation of the Data

A thorough review of medical science databases show no research studies to adequately address the proposed fat loss, health, or muscle building benefits of carb cycling.
However, it is likely that many of the benefits of the ketogenic diet, such as spontaneous caloric restriction, are present in carb cycling.
Much more research on this specific dietary modality is needed.


Carbohydrate cycling is a more practical way to implement some of the most effective principles of the ketogenic diet in a hard training, real-work population.
It allows for long stretches of caloric restriction via elimination of carbohydrate rich foods while also allowing for several days of hard training and can prevent the sustained reductions in muscle glycogen storage that arise from long-term ketogenic diets.
This diet can be a successful tool for bodybuilders or figure competitors who need to lose body fat while still have several high quality training sessions per week.

Thursday, 10 January 2019


Summer Burn: 12 Week Fat Melting Workout

The trick to being summer shredded is getting shredded before summer arrives. Use this 12 week Summer Burn program so you can show off at the pool this year!

Workout Summary

Lose Fat


12 weeks

45-60 minutes

Barbell, Bodyweight, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines
Male & Female

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Workout Description

As the days on the calendar pass, and the outside temperatures begin to rise, the amount of clothes we are able to (or wish to) wear slowly starts to diminish.
Whether it be to work, the gym, to the beach, park, or family barbecue it is certainly nice to be able to show off the fruits of your labor – confidently and proudly displaying all of the muscle you work so hard to build.
However, before you go rushing off to your local sportswear store or favorite online shopping spot to purchase some new spring/summer duds, why not take the next 12 weeks to focus on shedding as much body fat as possible?
Because while we all know that thick, dense, defined muscle is totally awesome - you certainly “can’t flex fat!”

Fat Incinerating Tip Sheet

1. Cardio Upon Awaking: While research is conflicting as to whether cardio is more effective done in the fasted state, ensuring you do get your cardio in bright and early will help you burn fat.
2. The Right Supplements: Every morning start your day with a powerful, multi-stage thermogenic fat burner and about 5-10 grams of scientifically formulated BCAA. Doing this prior to your early morning cardio will give you all the energy one needs to power through your early morning grogginess.

3. Carb Cutting: Each week leading up to summer eliminate about 25 grams of carbs from your daily diet, while adding in ten grams protein. This will help create a calore deficit needed for fat loss, increase the thermic effect of food, maintain muscle, and assist in shedding excess subcutaneous water.
4. Hunger Troubleshooting: Lets face it…existing in a calorie deficit, which is a necessary evil for getting lean, is not always an easy task. There will be many times where your blood sugar will drop, your tummy will cave, and you will begin fantasizing about attacking the cookie aisle of your local supermarket!
However, the result in that case is certainly not very beneficial when the goal is looking like a comic book superhero. I have found the best way to stave off hunger and bring energy back to an adequate level is to consume a huge glass of cold water with 5-10 grams of your favorite flavored BCAA powder mixed in.
5. Cardio Splitting: If your goal is 60 minutes of cardio for the day, for example, you will manifest superior results by splitting that (total) time between two, or even 3 sessions, than doing it all at once. You could wake up and do 30 minutes of cardio fasted, another 15 minutes post workout, and the final 15 before your final meal.
This “splitting” strategy will help keep the metabolism elevated all day long, which effectively makes you into a literal fat-burning machine.
ALLMAX Athlete Varying His Cardio Approach
6. Vary Cardio: Some studies indicate that HIIT cardio is more effective at incinerating adipose than steady state - while others show the opposite. In my experience, I have become convinced that both types of cardio work (each carrying their own advantages/disadvantages), and thus both should be a part of your overall program.
A highly effective strategy is to break cardio up, as suggested earlier (#5), into a 30/15/15 scheme (if the goal is one hour daily) with the first 30-min session being steady state and the following two as HIIT.
7. Get Intense: When the main goal is dropping body fat it is a great idea to make your weight training sessions more productive and intense via the use of supersets and dropsets. These intensity techniques are not only valuable for stimulating muscle growth, but also will raise heart rate, increase metabolism, burn greater calories and push natural GH (a very powerful fat-crushing hormone) through the roof!
8. Compound Pounding: You will burn a heck of a lot more calories, as well as stimulate higher levels of natural hormones that destroy body fat if you make sure to include plenty of basic, multi-joint exercises in each of your workouts. This is not to say that you should shy away completely from more isolated movements, but only that you do not neglect some serious “compound pounding!”

The 12 Week Summer Burn Workout Program

The following workout is a 12 week program to get you shredded for summer.
Rest as long as needed in between sets to slow your breathing just about back to normal and have your mind ready to push 100% on the next set.
For optimal fat-loss you will do 60 min of cardio per day on off days from training and 20-30 minutes either fasted or post workout on lifting days.
As each week passes you can use the program exactly as is laid out above, or you can tweak by adding/subtracting certain movement and/or simply changing the order in which the exercises are done.

Monday: Chest, Biceps, Forearms, & Abs

1. Incline Bench Press2/0/12*7-9
2. Dumbbell Bench Press2/0/12*7-9
3a. Incline Dumbbell Fly2/0/1210-12
3b. Cable Crossover1/0/1/1210-12
4. EZ Bar Preacher Curl2/0/11*7-9
5. Barbell Curl2/0/11*7-9
6a. High Cable Curl1/0/127-9
6b. Standing Alternating Dumbbell Curl1/1/127-9
7. Reverse Barbell Curl2/0/11*10-12
8a. Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl1/0/1113-15
8b. Barbell Wrist Curl1/0/1113-15
9. Cable Crunch1/0/1/1216-20
10a. Hanging Leg Raise1/0/11Max Reps
10b. Seated Bench Knee Ups1/0/11Max Reps
*Each set utilzies a drop set. So perform 1 set, drop the weight performing an additional set, rest, and repeat.

Tuesday: Quads, Hamstrings, & Calves

1. Barbell Back Squat2/0/12*7-9
2. Leg Press2/0/12*7-9
3a. Leg Extension2/0/1/1210-12
3b. Walking Barbell Lunge2/0/1210-12 Each
4. Lying Leg Curl2/0/1/12*7-9
5a. Adduction Machine1/0/1/1216-20
5b. Stiff Leg Deadlift2/0/1210-12
6. Standing Calf Raise1/1/1/11*7-9
7a. Seated Calf Raise1/0/1/127-9
7b. Calf Press1/1/1210-12
*Each set utilzies a drop set. So perform 1 set, drop the weight performing an additional set, rest, and repeat.

Thursday: Lats, Lower Back, & Abs

1. Seated Cable Row1/0/1/12*7-9
2. Reverse Grip Bent Over Row1/0/1/12*7-9
3a. Dumbbell Pullover1/0/1210-12
3b. T-Bar Row1/0/127-9
4. Weighted Hyperextension1/0/1/11*13-15
5a. Deadlift1/1/117-9
5b. Bodyweight Hyperextensions1/0/1/11Max Reps
6. Weighted Ab Crunch1/0/1/11*16-20
7a. Lying Leg Raise1/0/1/12Max Reps
7b. Oblique Crunch1/0/1216-20 Each
*Each set utilzies a drop set. So perform 1 set, drop the weight performing an additional set, rest, and repeat.

Friday: Shoulders, Traps, Triceps, & Calves

1. Cable Face Pulls1/0/1/12*10-12
2. Lateral Raises1/0/12*10-12
3a. Seated Dumbbell Press2/0/127-9
3b. Barbell Front Raise1/0/127-9
4. Barbell Shrug1/0/1/12*10-12
5a. Upright Row1/0/1/127-9
5b. Seated Dumbbell Shrug1/0/1/127-9
6. Straight Bar Pushdown1/0/1/11*10-12
7. Skullcrusher2/0/12*7-9
8a. Seated One Arm Dumbbell Extrension2/0/127-9
8b. Close Grip Bench Press3/0/127-9
9. Seated Calf Raise1/0/12*10-12
10a. Calf Press1/0/1/117-9
10b. Standing Calf Raise1/0/1/117-9
*Each set utilzies a drop set. So perform 1 set, drop the weight performing an additional set, rest, and repeat.

Monday, 7 January 2019


7 At-Home Exercises to Get Rihanna’s Curves, From Her Trainer

At-Home Exercises to Get Rihanna's Curves
When Rihanna first came to me she had been traveling for the first half of 2017 and admitted her workout routine had taken a backseat to the chaos – which is understandable between her cosmetics line, lingerie debut, recording, partnerships + more. Her goal was to maintain her curves – she actually really enjoyed how her body was looking after taking a few months off from the gym (ahem booty, hips and thighs); but was looking to tighten up and tone a few areas without losing any of her curves.
I’d been training Rihanna’s personal chef, Debbie, for about a year at this point and as soon as Rihanna was back in Los Angeles, Debbie dragged her along for what she promised would be the most sculpting 25-minute workout session of her life. I have to admit I died a little inside after Rihanna’s first time on the Supra® — she told me she was OBSESSED with it and it was the most difficult workout she’d ever done!
So, what is the Supra® you might ask? If you’ve heard of the Lagree Fitness® Method or the Megaformer® machine – loved by celebs like Jen Aniston, Sofia Vergara (has 2 Megaformers in her home), Khloe Kardashian, Michelle Obama + more (my husband created and patented both the machine and workout method) — our own personal studio in Los Angeles, Lagree Fitness Studio, is the exclusive home to my husband’s newest fitness innovation: the 25-minute Supra® machine.
The Supra® is a resistance-based platform that uses a system of springs and pulleys much like its predecessor, the Megaformer®, but it’s a completely digital machine and is the first machine in the world to both incline and tilt. So, while you’re doing your Lagree moves like Catfish and Bear, the Supra is moving up and down underneath your feet up to 4 feet in the air, while shifting left to right, so you’re fighting gravity, resistance, AND your body weight while trying to hold a pose. The machine forces you to engage all 600 muscles at once to maintain balance and you can burn up to 400 calories in just 25-minutes!
So, here, I give to you: 7 exercises you can do at-home without the Supra machine to get Rihanna’s curves inspired by the in-studio workouts I design for her!
At-Home Exercises to Get Rihanna's Curves
Remember: The Lagree Fitness® Method is unique in that it’s based on the “time under tension” (TUT) concept, which means you aren’t necessarily counting “sets” or “reps” for each exercise. TUT refers to the amount of time the muscle(s) is contracted/fighting resistance. This is how you’ll get those long, lean, sculpted muscles, get your cardio in , and avoid bulking!
Try to perform every move described below precisely and slowly using a ‘four-count-out’, ‘four-count-in’ timing for each exercise for a minimum of 60 seconds on the right side, 60 seconds on the left. Work yourself up to 90 seconds and then 120 seconds on each side as you begin to master them.
Enjoy, sweat, hold and embrace the Lagree shakes!
  1. Reverse Saw: For this move – which targets your lats, shoulders and abs – you’ll need a set of towels. On a bare floor, get into tabletop position. Place a hand towel under your knees for comfort. Drop down onto your elbows so that they’re aligned under your shoulders. To get into starting position, walk your elbows out so that your “table top” creates a 45-degree angle from your hips to your knees. Now that you’re in position, place the other hand towel under your elbows. Slowly slide your elbows out in front of you for 4 counts and then pull them back in so they’re underneath your shoulders on a 4-count. Hands should be in a prayer position pointing to front of the room. Your knees are static and do not move. Your entire trunk should not move., the entire exercise is performed by just pushing your elbows out and pulling them in.
  • Standing Inner Thighs: Work your inner and outer thighs, pelvic area and transverse abdominals (lower abs) with one of Rihanna’s favorite moves! On a smooth surface, stand with legs hip width apart and toes pointed outwards with a slight bend in your knees. Grab some gliders or paper plates (on carpet) or towels (on hard floor) and slowly push one leg outward (4-count) and then pull inward (4 count). Focus on pulling in and pushing out using your inner thigh. There should be a slight bend in knees, but never total squat position. Repeat this motion for 90-120 seconds on one side then switch using the other leg.  
  • Wheelbarrow: Target your triceps, arms shoulders, chest, back and abs with this all-in-one exercise. Get in a table top position on the floor with gliders or towels under your knees; then slide your knees back so you’re creating a 45-degree angle between your core and thighs. Cross your legs at your ankles and lift slightly so that only your hands and knees are touching the floor. When you inhale, slowly push yourself backwards using your shoulders and arms. On the exhale, pull your body back to starting position – only using your arms – not your legs – your legs should be stationary and your arms should feel like they’re pulling and pushing dead weight.
  • CatfishAnother favorite of Rihanna’s, this move will work your arms, lats, and abs and obliques. Start by selecting a sturdy piece of furniture in your house (a heavier chair is recommended), and a smooth floor surface (ie: tile or hardwood). Facing the chair, place your hands on the sides of the seat, extend your arms so they’re completely straight. Creating a 90-degree angle between your hips and the floor (back straight, booty out!), place your feet on a towel (to allow the feet to move back and forth with ease), go up on the balls of your feet and keep a slight bend in the knees. With slightly bent knees, pull your knees into you toward your elbows on a 4-count-in; and staying on the balls of your feet, push your legs away from your elbows by sliding your feet out on a 4-count. You should feel like you’re dragging the lower half of your body with the power of your core and lower abs.
  • Carriage Kicks: On a smooth surface, get into a lunging position with one leg in front of you and one behind. Squat down and maintain the lunging leg (front leg) static and stationary, making sure your knee does not go beyond your toes. Place your opposite foot (behind leg) on a towel, slide that foot back until the leg is almost straight (do not move to the point where your knee is completely straight — you always want to retain tension with a little bend in your knee). Slide the back foot in until your knee is directly under your hip. Keep this movement going on a 4-count-in, 4-count-out basis for 90-120 seconds, always retaining a slight bend of the knee in the back leg. This exercise works legs and core.
At-Home Exercises to Get Rihanna's Curves
  •  Donkey Kicks: This can be done on any surface. Get down on all fours with knees directly under hips and hands positioned under shoulders, keeping the spine straight. Keeping a 90* angle between your hips and the floor, lift one knee off the ground, to the side (as if you were going to do a fire hydrant move) and kick straight back keeping the kicking leg parallel with the spine, the foot flexed and the ankle toward the ceiling, toes pointed out. This exercise works the butt, abs, and arms. As always, perform the kick out and kick in on a 4-count each for 90-120 seconds and switch sides.
  • Spoon: Get started on a smooth surface. Almost any chair will work for this exercise (except if it has wheels;). Sit in your chair, grip your hands around the sides of the chair and lift yourself off the chair, booty must be elevated and spine must be straight! Keeping your elbows straight, lean forward so your body is creating a 90-degree angle between your top and lower half with your hips. Using a towel under your heels (to allow the feet to move back and forth on the floor), flex your feet and pull the hips up toward the ceiling, keeping your arms static in a slow controlled movement. On your 4-count-out, push the hips down and feet forward. This exercise works the abs and arms.