Monday, 12 October 2015


Perform this quick workout a few times each week: Complete 10 to 15 reps of every activity, moving starting with one then onto the next with little (30 seconds) to no rest in the middle. Do a few sets absolute.

This is one of two workouts intended to assist you with losing leg fat. See the "Impact Your Lower Half" workout.

Exercise 1: Lunge with Rotation

Stand with your feet hip-width separated and your arms straight out. Venture forward with your left foot and turn your middle to one side as you twist your knees and bring down your body until both of your legs structure 90-degree points. Turn back to focus, push off your left foot, and remain move down. Rehash on the other leg. That is one rep.

Exercise 2: Reverse Wood Chop

Hold a prescription ball (or dumbbell) with both hands by your right hip and stand with your feet hip-width separated. Keeping your mid-section upright, sit your hips back and twist your knees to lower into a squat. In one movement, press through your heels as you "slash" the ball up and over your body until your legs are straight and the ball is over your left shoulder. Come back to begin. Finish all reps before rehashing on the other side.

Exercise 3: Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

Stand with feet hip-width separated, right foot raised off the floor and right arm reached out before you. Bowing forward from your hips and holding your back level, raise your right leg straight behind you until your body frames a T and your right arm hangs down from your shoulder. Come back to begin. That is one rep. Finish all reps, then rehash on the other side.

Exercise 4: Side Plank

Lie on your left favor your legs straight and your right leg stacked to your left side. Lift your hips so your body shapes a straight line from your neck to your lower legs; your left lower arm and the outside edge of your left foot bolster your weight. Place your right hand on your hip. Hold for up to one moment, then switch sides and rehash.

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