Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Tabata training

Keep your heart your rate up and stimulate fat loss

Tabata training is awesome and over before you know it. It simply involves intense exercise for 20 seconds and rest for 10. Try this cardio-based tabata workout to boost your fitness and physique
1. OVERHEAD MARCH WARM UP - Hold a 1kg weight in each hand.
- Start with your weights overhead and march on the spot with tiptoes pointed and legs slightly bent. March for 20 and rest for 10, twice.
- Next, pull the weights down so your arms are at a 90° angle and at shoulder height. March for 20 seconds and rest for 10, three times.
- Then, while marching, reach your opposite elbow to your knee, continuing to alternate each side. March for 20 seconds and rest for 10, four times.
2. 3RD TO 2ND JUMP - Start with your feet in the ballet third position (A), then jump straight up (B) and land in second position (C).
- Jump back up and land in third position again. Switch foot positions as fast asyou can while jumping as high as you can. Jump for 20 seconds and rest for 10, four times.

3. SIDE KICKS WITH PUNCH - Stand with your left foot placed slightly in front of yoru right and your fists up (A). Raise your right kene, rotate your hips and kick your right leg to the side, pushing them through your heel, while punching with your right arm (B).
- Quickly bring your right leg down and repeat with the other leg. Jump for 20 seconds and rest for 10, four times.

4. SPLIT JUMPS - Stand with your feet staggered, left foot in front of your right, about two feet apart.
- Lower your body into a lunge (A), then quickly jump up and scissor-kick your legs (B) so you land with your right leg forward. As soon as your feet land, lower you rbody intpo a lunge. Jump for 20 seconds and rest for 10, five times

5. COOL DOWN - Start in a push-up position, so your body is a straight line. Pull your belly button up towards your spine and hold for 10 seconds (A).
- Push your shoulders forwards, then bend your back, lower your hips and lift your chest up so you are in an up-dog position (B). Hold for 12 breaths then push your bottom up into the downward-facing dog with your tailbone lifted.
- Push down gently through your heels as you form a V shape. Hold this position for 15 seconds.



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