Here at WH, we’re huge fans of the thera band. For one, they’re dirt cheap (l. Two, they weigh next to nothing and, as such, can be thrown without thought into any gym bag or suitcase for an on-the-go workout. .
Mini bands apply tension during both the contracting and lengthening phases of a move, and since the band loops around your limbs, it naturally refines your form on most movement patterns. While there are dozens on dozens of exercises that can benefit from this tiny piece of rubber, here are the crucial, functional moves that, with the addition of a mini band, will change your fitness game

Another double whammy! Placing the band above or below your knees for squats pulls your knees together, which can cause “valgus”—a form flaw women are more prone to than men because of their wider hip angle. The band then forces you to reflexively push your knees apart, helping you burn out your glutes and hamstrings. (Correcting valgus also reduces knee pain.) The band aids upper-body positioning, too, if you double up with one around your wrists and stretch your arms in front of your body, according to Gaddour. “This puts your chest in better postural position when you squat by preventing the slight rounding of your upper back. You’ll feel the need to spread your shoulders and screw them into their sockets

Adding resistance in the form of a band can take your fast-paced mountain climbers to a different level. Simply start by looping the mini band around your feet, then get into a high plank position. Lift your right foot off the floor and raise your knee to your chest. Repeat on the other side. This version makes the usual stamina-building move way more slow and intentional, which actually helps strengthen your hips. Not to mention, you'll still reap all the major abs benefits (if not more) with this variation.
Walking in a squatted position blasts your legs, but doing so with a band around your ankles makes it that much harder: You increase muscle activation in your glutes and hamstrings, helping make the move less quad-dominant. You’ll also strengthen your hips and develop better mobility and stability in your lateral plane (a.k.a. moving side to side), which we don’t train often enough
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