Thursday, 28 December 2017


Party season workout


10 ways to top up your energy

1. Get moving
Feeling sluggish? Step away from the coffee and give yourself a natural boost.

That’s right, it may sound counter-intuitive if you’re tired, but the more you exercise, the more energised you’ll feel. But don’t worry, it doesn’t need to be a 12-mile run. Just a brisk jog or walk around your local park will do you fine.
2. Eat big
Yep, it’s still fine to have a hefty and hearty meal – just make sure you eat it early on in the day. When you wake up in the morning, your body will have gone for a long period without food, so you’ll be lacking energy. Get refuelling at brekkie.
3. Guzzle away
Did you know that our bodies are more than 60 per cent water? If you get dehydrated, your systems slow right down, making you feel tired and lethargic even if you slept like a baby the night before.
4. Caught in a caffeine cycle?
Coffee and energy drinks might give you an initial buzz of energy, but they will bring you down even harder around 30 minutes later. Opt for nature’s energiser, ginseng, in a yummy herbal tea such as Pukka Herbs Morning Time
5. Stretch
It’s not only post-workout stretching that can be beneficial for your health. Stretching your muscles any time can help to open up the brain’s arteries, allowing it to get more oxygen and increasing your vitality.
6. All about alkalis
If your body is too acidic, you may well experience muscle fatigue and burnout. Make sure you are eating plenty of alkalising foods such as fresh vegetables, beans and eggs to balance your body’s acidity.
7. Take magnesium
Not only is magnesium required for the metabolism, but it’s also vital in muscle contraction. So, if you’re a gym bunny, it may well be worth investing in a supplement to top up your muscles’ energy levels. Try MyProtein Magnesium Citrate (
8. Step away from sweet stuff
Avoid eating refined sugars, such as those found in chocolate and sweets, as they cause insulin spikes in your blood sugar. This will only leave you feeling more hungry and yep, you guessed it – tired.
9. Eat fibre
Or more precisely soluble fibre. It slows down energy release into the bloodstream, which stabilises your blood sugar levels and helps to stop you feeling sluggish. Fresh fruit, vegetables and beans are all good sources.
10. Catch a snooze
Make sure you get good quality sleep, preferably at night. However, if you are in need of a recharge the next day, try taking a power nap for 20-40 minutes.


Double your fat burn

Could you hit the gym twice a day? The truth is, you probably could. People do two-a-days all the time. Busy commuters cycle to and from work. Body builders split their daily weightlifting routine into two smaller workouts. Novice triathletes start the day with a swim and end it with a cycle. Active mummies walk the dog in the morning and then head to bootcamp with friends. Your body is capable of doing more than one sweat session if you really want it to. But the question is – is it worth it?
Is it for you?
For some exercisers, two-a-days are a no-brainer; numerous studies show that, when planned correctly, doing two workouts in one day is a very effective training method for those wanting to build muscle, race ultra-distances or compete in multi-discipline events. But the jury is out on whether working out once or twice a day is most beneficial for weight loss. In fact, when it comes to losing weight, a plethora of scientific literature confirms our bodies respond better to intensity of exercise than duration. The take-home message? Weight-loss fans should split one long workout into two parts and then perform at least one part at near maximum effort (think: 75-85 per cent of heart rate max) to reap results. 
There are plenty of waist-whittling benefits to be had by splitting a sweat session in two – researchers from the University of New Mexico note that EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption, or the metabolic-boosting ‘after-burn’ effect) increases for at least two hours after exercise. Put simply, your body will burn extra calories as it replenishes oxygen stores, removes lactate from the muscles and restores body temperature after each workout. And every calorie counts when it comes to fat loss. Of course, if you’re guilty of drifting around the gym in a semi-conscious daze and performing sub-maximal efforts on available kit, following a two-a-day schedule will offer the added benefit of encouraging you to be more results-driven about your daily plan. ‘Two-a-days should make your training more targeted and intense,’ explains celebrity trainer Hayley Newton. ‘By separating an hour-long workout into two 30-minute sessions, you are able to rest in between each one. So, in theory, you should be able to push harder throughout each session.’ Jéan LK, founder of London training studio Timed Fitness, agrees, ‘Splitting your workout not only makes it easier to fit more comprehensive sessions into your schedule, but also requires careful planning – something plenty of people fail to do.’   
Staying on target
But what if working out twice in one day did mean exercising more? Turns out doubling up on the amount of daily exercise you do is a great way to hit weight-loss activity targets. The current guidelines for activity among the general community state that adults should clock 30 minutes of exercise – whether gym-going, running or gardening – five days per week. Sounds doable, right? Well, for long-term weight loss, you need to up the ante. According to the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), fat-loss fans should aim to do 250-300 minutes of moderately intense exercise (in other words, challenging exercise) each week. That’s a whopping four to five hours of tough exercise each week – and a stroll with the dog doesn’t count!
Of course, you could aim to perform four to five gruelling sessions, but research shows that motivation drops after the 30-minute mark. So long workouts aren’t the best strategy for long-term results. ‘Exercise needs to suit the individual, otherwise you won’t stick to it,’ agrees Hayley. ‘Finding time to train isn’t easy but you must /make/ time for exercise. Get up an hour early and do a 30-minute cardio session. Then do another 30 minutes of strength work in the evening.’ Put like that, it certainly sounds more achievable, right?   
Potential pitfalls
It’s clear that exercising twice a day does boast weight-loss benefits, but it’s not without its problems. Crucially, it’s important to keep in mind what you’re physically capable of. ‘It takes a certain level of fitness to start this style of training,’ warns Hayley. ‘You need to get the go-ahead from your doctor beforehand, and then start slowly. For some people, a brisk 30-minute walk is tough enough.’ Don’t be misled by the super-fit looking folk who seem to live in the gym, either.  Chances are they’re not fit because they train often; they train often because they’re fit enough to do so. Every exerciser has to start somewhere, and the best place to begin is with the basics before progressing on to two-a-days.  
It’s also important to consider why you want to exercise twice a day – is it a logical way to reach your weight-loss goal or are you simply addicted to working out? According to research from the University of Southern California, exercise addiction affects three per cent of us, and it increases the risk of injury or illness. Clocking up extra workout hours doesn’t signal a problem, but if it’s accompanied by withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety or irritability, you should consider cutting back rather than doing more. ‘Rest between double-workout days is crucial,’ adds Hayley, ‘Exercise twice a day every day and you’ll fatigue pretty quickly, not to mention increase your risk of burn-out.’  The right amount of recovery – not only between exercise days, but also between exercise sessions – is key. ‘You need to leave a minimum of four to six hours between sessions to recover fully,’ warns Jéan, ‘and the dedicated approach to your health needs to apply to all aspects of your weight-loss journey, which includes staying on top of your nutritional needs and getting adequate amounts of sleep.’ So the harder you work out, the longer you’ll need to recover. Capiche?
Choosing your workouts
Think exercising twice daily is the best approach for you? That’s great news. Unfortunately, any old workout won’t do – working the same muscle group twice, for instance, will only wear you down. Here’s how to make your AM and PM sessions work well together.
1. Do different workouts in the morning and evening. Unless you’re training for a specific sport, doing the same discipline or working the same body part twice in one day will only result in fatigue. 
2. Find a balance between high and low intensity. Don’t do two vigorous cardio or two heavy weights sessions in a row. Mix high, moderate and low intensities to keep muscles guessing and stay enthused. 
3. Separate your schedule into cardio and strength training. Perform a cardio session in the morning when you have bundles of energy and your strength session in the evening when you’re feeling focused.
4. Choose activities that you enjoy – hiking, cycling, team or club sports. The more you can minimise the psychological stress of exercising, the better it is for your body. When it comes to weight loss, anything that gets your heart pumping works.
 5. Following a strength programme? Split it into two sessions. Target the large muscle groups in the morning with compound moves like burpees. In the evening, focus on small muscle groups with isolation exercises like bicep curls.
6. Rest, rest, rest. This approach is not about doing as much activity as possible, but about performing at the best of your ability. Rest is key to staying healthy and maintaining exercise quality. Have one to two days off scheduled activity each week.


How To Get Fuller Lips Naturally With Facial Exercises

Fuller Lips

How To Get Fuller Lips

Bee-stung lips are all the rage these days with celebrities all over the globe opting for a shot of collagen to the lips to achieve that desirable plump pout.
However many of us don’t have the money to pay for regular collagen injections and lots of us are aware of how wrong this vanity procedure can go.
None of us want to end up with the dreaded ‘trout pout’ look!
The good news is that facial exercises targeting the lips can help to plump up the volume of your lips.
What’s more with facial exercises there are no unpleasant side effects and no long lasting damage to your face, as some people experience with collagen injections.
Just beautiful plump lips naturally sculptured by your own efforts.
So if you’ve ever wondered how to get fuller lips naturally then read on…

100 NaturalPlump Lips Without Surgery

Before beginning facial exercises to target the lips you can try out some of the following helpful hints and tips for the lip area.
By increasing blood flow to your lips it’s possible to make them appear plumper, however the effects of the following will only be temporary.
On the plus side they are far cheaper than resorting to costly collagen injections!
1. When brushing your teeth begin by giving your lips a brush too! It’s probably better to use a separate toothbrush for lip brushing to the one you use to clean your teeth.
Gently rubbing the lips with a toothbrush will help to exfoliate the skin and encourage blood flow to the lips helping them to appear smoother and plumper.
2. Honey can be used to plump up your lips naturally. Applying a light layer of honey to your lips encourages the skin to draw moisture to the surface, giving lips a temporary plumping boost.
Natural and delicious too, just make sure you don’t keep licking the honey off your lips!
3. Some people suggest using concentrated peppermint or cinnamon leaf oil on your lips to increase blood flow and to give them a fuller-looking, healthy glow.
Don’t apply these oils neat to the lips however, add a drop or two to your favorite lip balm or lip gloss pot. These oils are very concentrated, so make sure you use only the tiniest amount, you’ll definitely feel a tingle!

Thumbs UpHow To Get Plump Lips With Facial Exercises

Facial exercises can help to improve all areas of the face including the lips. When performing them make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, you can sit or stand but try to make sure that your back is straight.
Perform facial exercises in front of your mirror to make sure that you are getting the techniques right and targeting the area you want improve.
For more permanent plumping to the lip area, try out the following facial exercises that target the lips.

Exercise 1

Target the muscles around the mouth with the following exercise to improve your pout. You might feel a little bit silly but have fun with this one. It really helps to work the muscles of the mouth and can help to iron out wrinkles.
➠ Begin by puckering up and pursing your lips, as if you’re about to give someone a kiss
➠ At the same time as you pucker up make an ‘ooooooo’ sound for a count of 5
➠ Next pull your mouth into a big, wide smile, imagine pulling the corners of your mouth out towards your ears, open the mouth as you smile
➠ At the same time as forming the smile make an ‘eeeeeee’ sound for a count of 5
➠ Repeat 10 times

Exercise 2

This next exercise also works the lips in a similar way to the first exercise, by simply reversing the motion, however this time the mouth is kept shut throughout the exercise.
➠ Sit comfortably with your mouth closed, stay relaxed – don’t ‘clamp’ your mouth shut.
➠ Allow your upper and lower teeth to touch gently.
➠ Smile as widely as possible keeping your lips together and mouth shut
➠ Hold for a count of 5
➠ As you release the hold form an O with your lips as if you were about to give someone a kiss
➠ Hold for a count of 5 before releasing
➠ Repeat 10 times

Exercise 3

This exercise plumps up the lips whilst also helping to erase any lines along the upper lip.
➠ Place the thumbs of both hands under the middle of your top lip resting your thumbnails gently against your gums
➠ Very gently pull your upper lip down over your thumbs
➠ Hold for a count of 5 and then release
➠ Repeat the exercise along the whole length of your upper lip

Next StepPlumper Lips Can Be Yours

Thin lips are notoriously difficult to plump up without resorting to cosmetic procedures but many people do not want to inject their faces with artificial ingredients and that is more than understandable!
There is a lot than can go wrong when it comes to cosmetic procedures for lips and some people have been left with permanently misshapen, hard and over inflated lips as a result of using collagen injections and other fillers.
Along with some temporary lip plumping measures facial exercises that target the lips can help you to achieve longer lasting results for this difficult area.
Many facial exercises for lips involve working on the lines, creases and wrinkles that can affect this part of the face. By helping to smooth out and plump up the whole area around the mouth the lips will appear firmer and plumper.
And it goes without saying that a natural looking plump pout will look far better than one that has been over inflated or artificially enhanced by adding fillers of any kind!
Facial Exercises ProgramThe 30 Day Face Fitness Formula is packed full of facial exercises that target all areas of the face including the lips.


Back Workout:  Moves to Blast Annoying Bra Bulge


The back attack workout

Sculpt and tone your back with Shock Absorber's amazing back exercises...

WHY IT WORKS: Created by Pierre Pozzuto, this programme has been created with three complementary 10 minute workouts, each serving a different function: Posture, Fat Burn and Hourglass. You will see that a lot of the moves in each exercise engage the back muscles as well as the core and abdominals, so they are working together.
Complete each of the workouts twice a week (one hour per week in total) and compliment with 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise for a balanced, high intensity workout. You should start to see results in three weeks.
The workouts can be performed in the gym or at home.
You will need a resistance band and hand weights (2/2.5KG), alternatively bags of sugar or water bottles will work.

As you get stronger and fitter, there are a number of ways to keep the workout challenging and make sure your progress doesn’t plateau:
  • Increase repetitions of the exercise per minute and over a longer period of time
  • Increase weights
  • Decrease rest time between exercises

Warm Up
It’s beneficial to do dynamic stretches before any type of exercise. These moves increase heart rate as well as warm the muscles, reducing injury risk.

TORSO TWISTS – 15 seconds
Hold your torso tight, belly button sucked into your spine, chin and chest up and rotate side to side, allowing your head to follow.
BACK SLAPS – 15 seconds
Leaning forward with your back parallel to the floor, create a swinging motion with your upper body until your palm touches your back.

ARM CIRCLES – 30 seconds
Chin and chest up, arms at shoulder height, perform small rotations in a forward motion, repeat in reverse.

FORWARD PUNCHES – 30 seconds
Bring yourself into a guard position, one leg in front of the other, knees soft and raised onto the ball of the back foot. From the chest, with your elbows in, create a forward punching motion. Aim for a fixed position.

UPWARD PUNCHES – 30 seconds // add jog
Remain in the guard position, one leg in front of the other, knees soft and raised onto the ball of the back foot. From the chest, with your elbows in, create an upward punching motion toward the sky. Aim for a fixed position.

Cool Down
Because we’ve reached a high intensity during the workout, it’s important to gently bring the heart rate down whilst stretching the muscles. Avoid stopping abruptly after aerobic exercise.

SIDE SWINGS – 15 seconds 
Keeping active, create a pendulum motion with the upper body, reaching out to the sides as far as you can.

HEEL KICK BACKS – 15 seconds
Still keeping the bounce, kick your heels back to your gluteus muscles, “heel to bum”.

KNEE PULL UPS – 15 seconds
Extending the arms above your head, create a bouncing knee raise, trying to get your knee to your chest every time.

HEAD AND TILT PULL – 30 seconds
Chin and chest high, hands to the opposite side of the head, create a pull motion to the side.

With wide legs and knees and toes pointed outwards, place your hand on the inside of the knee cap, pushing down and out to create a stretch through the shoulder and the inner thigh.

TIP: Try not to eat for 30-60 minutes after high intensity training – you will fool your body into thinking you’re still working out. Once you start consuming calories, your body will stop taking from it’s own energy stores.

1) Posture
This entire workout engages the back and core muscles (layers of muscle below those we can see at the body's surface). This in turn improves posture and helps achieve a tighter waistline.
This 10 minute workout contains four exercises and looks like this:
Set 1: 4 X 1 minute exercises (A,B,C,D)
20 second break
Set 2 : 4 x 1 minute exercises (A,B,C,D)
20 second break
Set 3: 4 x 20 second workouts (A,B,C,D)

Equipment: Hand weights
Lying on your front, raise your chin, chest and arms.
TIP: Extending the arm backwards engages the upper back (trapezius muscles), making it an all-over back exercise.

Into bridge position, legs shoulder width apart. Pull alternate elbow to ceiling without breaking form. Without twisting the body, keep shoulders directly above hands. Speed progression: how quickly can you go?!

TIP: This is a good pulse-raiser, but fundamentally a core exercise. You should feel it in your shoulders and upper back and, because of the way we’re using it, it is a big ‘burn’ for the deltoids and romboids.

In plank position, bring alternate knees around to the elbow. Slow and controlled.

TIP: This is technically for the ‘love handles’, engaging the core but creating an oblique exercise.

Stand and grab weights, bend forwards to 90 degrees, arms almost straight. Raise up and out to the side squeezing shoulder blades together.

TIP: This is tackling the upper body and back muscles but also engaging the core. Holding yourself parallel to the floor, the bent over lateral raise encourages the posterior (deltoids) and back muscles (trapezius) to work harder.

2) Fat Burn
With this workout we’re trying to burn body fat, the idea here is to constantly keep the heart rate elevated and remain outside of your comfort zone with every rep, aiming to burn fat and achieve a lean body.
This 10 minute workout contains five exercises and looks like this:
Set 1: 2 X 1 minutes exercises (A,B)
20 second break
Set 2 : 2 X 1 minutes exercises (A,B)
20 second break
Set 3: 2 X 1 minutes exercises (C,D)
20 second break
Set 4: 2 X 1 minutes exercises (C,D)
Set 5: 1 X 1 minute exercise (E)

Equipment: Hand weights.

Grab those hand weights and resume the guard/boxing position. Punch and extend arms out at shoulder height. How many can you do?!

TIP: If you fatigue, switch to use alternate arms.

Lie on your front, arms by your side, palms up. Begin with arms off the floor. Now push up as high as you can in quick pulse movements.

TIP: This is a speed exercise, you will stay in the fat burning zone by completing as many reps as possible.

Standing with weights by your side, raise up above your head (but still slightly in front of you), keeping arms straight.

TIP: Keep weights in your eye view to engage the deltoids and protect the lower back.

On hands and feet, walk a few paces forwards, then backwards. Go as quickly as possible without breaking form.

TIP: Really focus on core and balance on the way backwards. It’s a game of technique, arms and legs need to be working in a synchronized form.

After set 4, stay in this position, straighten the body and transfer to T- Plank for the final set.

Legs shoulder width apart, bridge position into press up, twist and reach alternate arms (hands) to ceiling. Slow and controlled.

Tip: Do not worry about achieving a very deep press up, bending your arms slightly will still engage the upper arms (deltoids). Keep toes and balls of the feet in a fixed position.

3) Hourglass
This workout targets specific back muscles, the upper arms (medial deltoids) and waistline, so an hourglass shape is created.

This 10 minute workout contains five exercises and looks like this:
Set 1: 2 X 1 minutes exercises (A,B)
3 X 20 second exercises (C,D,E)
30 second break
Set 2 : 2 X 1 minutes exercises (A,B)
3 X 20 second exercises (C,D,E)

30 second break
Set 3: 2 X 1 minutes exercises (A,B)
3 X 20 second exercises (C,D,E)

Equipment: Hand weights and resistance band.

Stand and grab your resistance band. Grip at each end, hold above your head and straighten arms. Pull down and apart until the band touches the lower part of your neck.

TIP: This is focusing on the lateral muscle, which is the big V shaped muscle that allows us to create a ‘V-Taper’ in the body. This allows for a swooping toned upper back and encourages the look of a smaller waistline.

Hold weights by your side. Raise straight arms up to shoulder height, tipping slightly forward at the top.

C) Plank and Jack (20 seconds)
From plank position, jump legs out to jack plank. Repeat as fast as you can. 

D) Full bridge extension (20 seconds)
From bridge position, move your hands forward lowering your chin – eyes to feet. Repeat.

E) Mountain climbers (20 seconds)
In bridge position, bring alternate knee between hands in running motion. Make sure your shoulders are over your hands. Go as fast as you can!