Thursday, 4 January 2018


12 Week Women's Bikini Prep Workout Program

This workout, designed by womens bikini competitor Traisha Martin, is the exact workout she has been following while on her bikini competition prep.

Workout Summary

Lose Fat
12 weeks
30-90 minutes
Barbell, Cables, Dumbbells, EZ Bar, Machines
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Workout Description

This program can be used as a competition prep program, or for anyone looking to get in shape. I started this when I was 12 weeks out from NPC nationals.
I am running the same program exactly as is until I am 6 weeks out, then at 6 weeks I will change about 50 percent of the rep ranges over to 4 sets of 12.
On the fifth training day, I use it as an auto regulation day. I go into the gym and just train whatever I feel like, no set reps/sets. Some weeks I may start with squats or deadlifts for my compound movement, or I will start with clean and overhead press, and go from there. I even like experimenting with different machines or movements. I train about 45 minutes- 1 hour on this day.

Day 1: Shoulders

1. Arnold Press58
2. Smith Machine Shoulder Press58
3. Strict Overhead Press58, 5, 3, 5, Failure
4. Single Arm Lateral Machine Raise58
5. Partial Lateral Raise3Failure
On the first exercise, Arnold press, I use a standard 40 second rest time between sets.
On the Smith machine loading shoulder press, your rest time is the time it takes to load another 10 on each side. This is more like a giant set of 40 on shoulder press, yet you have about a 10-15 second rest between each set.
On the strict barbell press, I load the bar at 55 percent of my one rep max, and perform 8 reps. On the second set I add a 10 to each side and perform 5 reps. On the third set, I add 5 lbs to each side and perform 3 reps. The fourth set I reduce the weight by 10 pounds total and perform 5 reps. On the fifth set I strip the bar down to my 55 percent of my one rep max (this exercise starting weight) and go until failure.
The rest time between each set is about 1-2 minutes. Between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th set I might even take 3 minutes between sets.
On the single arm lateral machine raise this is a continuous alternating lateral raise until you complete a total of 80 reps (40 on each side).

Day 2: Back

1. Lat Pull Down58
2. Hammer Strength High Row Machine58
3. Underhand Barbell Row58
4. Rear Delt Fly Machine58
5. Lying Dumbbell Pullover250
Standard 40-60 seconds rest between all sets.

Day 3: Legs

1. Box Squats312
2. Deadlifts312
3. Reverse Hack Squat312
4a. Goblet Squat58
4b. Squat Jumps58
5. Glute Bridges2Failure
Focus on clenching your glutes at the top of each movement, other than the squat jumps of course. I suggest a 2-3 minute rest between sets on squats and deadlifts.

Day 4: Arms

1. EZ Bar Curls58
2. Alternating Dumbbell Curls58
3. Straight Bar Tricep Pressdown58
4. Tricep Cable Overhead Extension58
5a. Rope Tricep Pressdown38
5b. 5 Second Isometric Bicep Contractions38
I suggest a 40 second rest between sets except on last exercise which is meant to completely exhaust the muscle, no rest. For bicep contractions, I typically use a resistance band and hold the biceps in a completely contracted position for 5 seconds.

Day 5: Autoregulation

As mentioned, on day 5 I just go to the gym and freestyle. This is a good opportunity to add in some chest exercises based on your individual needs/goals, or you can focus on other lagging muscle groups. Just be sure to get in there and put in the work!

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