Friday 29 April 2016


How to Get a Strong, Sexy Back Before Summer

strong back workout
Gravity is a beast: Beyond its pull on your boobs and butt, it also presents special challenges to your back, spine, shoulders, and core. In order to stay upright all day, your body is literally fighting against it, which can be seriously exhausting if your muscles aren’t up to snuff.
The stronger your postural muscles, the easier it will be to maintain optimal alignment throughout your body. Think: Shoulders and torso pulled back, with your pelvis sitting directly under your center of gravity. .

Beyond the health benefits, a strong and lean upper back is sexy as hell. And metaphorically, there is something really freaking awesome about feeling strong enough to carry a grown man on your back. So without further delay, here are my five favorite exercises to strengthen this crucial area. (For more tips on how to build muscle, pick up my book, Lift to Get Lean.)

The Workout: Complete three sets of each move, resting for 30 seconds in between. Then, proceed to the next exercise. Be sure to choose weight loads that make the last two reps of every set feel very hard while maintaining proper form.
strong back workoutImage by Alyssa Zolna

Exercise 1 Underhand Grip Lat Pulldown

strong back workout
Grasp the long, straight bar with an underhand grip (palms turned towards your face). Separate your hands so that they are directly above and in-line with your shoulders. Pull your shoulders down and back, and lock into place (A). Activate your upper back muscles and pull the bar towards your upper chest, stopping 2 inches in front of you. Pause at the bottom for two seconds, then slowly release (B). That’s one rep; complete 12

Exercise 2: V Grip Cable Row

strong back workout
Grip a V handle attached to a cable pulley, palms facing one another. Keep knees slightly bent and feet firmly anchored. Sit up with a long, tall spine and release your shoulders downward, away from your ears (A). Draw your shoulder blades back and lock them in place, then pull your elbows back until your hands are touching your torso, near your bottom ribs. Pause here for two seconds, then slowly release (B). That’s one rep; complete 15.

Exercise 3 : Barbell Row

strong back workout
Grasp a barbell with hands shoulder-width apart, palms facing out, arms fully extended. Bend your knees slightly and hinge from the hips until your hands are in front of your knees. Keep abs engaged (A). Bring shoulder blades together, pulling the bar towards you until it touches your torso just above the bellybutton. (Don’t shrug your shoulders up towards your ears!). Pause for two seconds, then slowly release the bar, until your arms are straight (B). That’s one rep; maintain the forward bend position and repeat for a total of 12 reps.

Exercise 4: Lying Dumbell Pullover

strong back workout
Using a flat, secure bench, lie with your feet on the bench. Gripping one end of a dumbbell, extend your arms directly over your chest. Brace your core and draw your belly button towards your spine to keep a slight curve in your lower back (A). Keeping arms straight, slowly arc the dumbbell over your head until your arms are next to your ears. With shoulders anchored, press the weight back to the starting position (B). That’s one rep; complete 15.

Exercise 5 :Reverse Dumbbell Fly

strong back workout
Using dumbbells, sit on the edge of a stable bench with your hands hanging directly below your shoulders, palms facing each other. Keep your chest lifted and your shoulders drawn back and down (A). Activate the muscles in your upper back to lift the dumbbells outward and up, until they are parallel to your shoulders. Slowly release (B). That’s one rep; complete 15.

1 comment:

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