Monday, 11 December 2017


21 Days to Fit and Lean: Three-Week Workout Plan

This sensible-yet-butt-kicking plan will get you in the habit of working out—and you'll love the results so much that at the end of the three weeks, you won't wanna stop

Welcome to February—the month where weight loss and fitness resolutions go to die.  Here's the good news: We've come up with a 21-day shape up workout plan that you'll love so much, you won't wanna ditch it.
Here's how it works. Each week, you'll do six workouts (none of them last more than about half an hour!):
-Two total-body toning routines
-Two fat-blasting interval workouts
-Two easy recovery sessions
Watch this video to get the total plan, as well as to see demos of how to do each body-shaping move. For a complete list of all the moves, reps, and sets, see below.
The Three-Week Workout Plan
A 21-day plan to get you sleek and lean. The best part? Each routine is only 30 minutes long.
Loaded: 0%
Progress: 0%

Total-Body Toning Routines – 2x a week
Reps: 12 – 15 per move
Sets: 1 set during week 1, 2 sets during weeks 2 and 3
Plank with Alternating Leg Lift
Wood Chop with Resistance Band
Dumbbell Squat and Overhead Press
Romanian Deadlift
Bent-Over Row
Dynamic Lunge
Fat-Blasting Intervals – 2x a week
Do the following three moves back to back with no rest in between. That's 1 interval.
Rest for one to two minutes between intervals
Complete as many reps of each move as you can in the prescribed amount of time.
Week 1: 20 seconds per move, 5 intervals
Week 2: 30 seconds per move, 6 intervals
Week 3: 40 seconds per move, 7 intervals
Mountain Climber
Lateral Shuffle
Jump Squat

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