Sunday, 10 December 2017


Deep-lying back muscles

The low-lying back muscles are located below the surface muscles and are therefore not directly seen in training through training, but take on important functions! "The deep muscles are essential for the stability and flexion of the spine," explains coach Huss. "The main functions are the extension or erection of the body and lateral tilt as well as rotation of the spine."
That's why women should train their backs
For a good posture, a well-trained back muscles is the alpha and omega © Jacob Lund /

The deep muscles are trained especially in complex exercises in which many muscles are activated and by one exercises varied, so they sometimes standing, sometimes lying, sometimes one-legged. "It's best to start with static restraint exercises such as forearm support, and if you master them, you can use your arms and legs to strengthen your entire core muscles," explains sports therapist and trainer Walus.

Which exercises are part of back training for women?

For a strong and healthy back, complex and functional exercises are part of your plan. This is how you train both types of muscles: surface and deep muscles. Also, the more complex the exercise, the more muscles and joints are involved.

These back exercises are the main back-basics


Deadlifting is particularly complex, but mercilessly effective if done correctly. The Deadlift with has two major advantages: "On the one hand, you train not only the back, but the entire posterior side, ie all the muscles that may be involved in pulling movements: upper and lower back, trapezius, but the hamstrings and even the butt "Walus explains. "On the other hand, you can also use the barbell to move much more weight than with dumbbells or kettlebells."

But heavy weight care: For effective deadlifts, keep your back straight during the entire movement. Do not do it: reduce weight, practice technique until it sits! This is how it works: Tighten the back already in the low position and concentrate on mobilizing the power from the back muscles. Important: In heavy exercises you have to bring about a so-called blockage. Remember this rule of three: breathe deeply before lifting the dumbbell - your chest is thus inflated like a balloon. In addition, tighten the stomach - this prevents the upper body from tipping forward. And pay close attention that the lumbar spine is not curved - a must to prevent herniated discs.


Another effective exercise for the entire back is rowing. When rowing especially the broad back, the rear shoulder and the trapezius muscle is claimed. Whether you are rowing with the long-handle, 2 dumbbells or on the cable - your back always remains straight. In addition, you should always pull the weight controlled with the power of the back in the direction of navel and use the entire range of motion. Tearing is taboo.
Back workout for a strong back
Especially a small upper body with rounded shoulders and big breasts weakens the stabilizers of the middle back © Jacob Lund /
Huss's tip: "One-arm rowing is good for balancing muscular imbalances and getting stronger with both arms during the exercises." Little psychological trick for rowing: Imagine you want to crack a walnut with your back center: Pull together your back muscles at the end point of the rowing motion and hold this moment briefly at maximum contraction. So also the hard to reach middle of the back gets an optimal training stimulus.


Most women do not make a pull-up. However, that is no reason to give up this top exercise. On the contrary, many gyms have such equipment with a supportive platform on which you can hang up your knees. Alternatively, there are resistance bands that you can attach to a chin-up bar and in which loop you can also put on your knees or feet. Or you start from an elevation so you can pull yourself up the pole with a jump.
This allows you to overcome the intense concentric phase and focus fully on the deflating, eccentric motion - this is how you get closer to the first pull-up! 

So, pull on the pull-ups, because they not only train the back, but also the biceps. Important: "You should always pull your chest to the bar and use the complete 'Range of Motion', that is, downward full extension, up the chin to the bar," said expert Huss.

Depending on which handle and how wide you grip, the arms or the back are more demanding. If you grip the pole about narrow (less than shoulder width) from below, your biceps must be full of power. On the other hand, if you grip the bar slightly more than shoulder width in the upper grip, you hit the upper back muscles more strongly. Try the different variants, it's worth it.

Back training for the home

However, you do not necessarily need a gym to train your back. There are also effective back exercises with your own body weight: upper body lift on the ground, forearm support, diagonal support, rowing. Huss: "Rowing exercises can be done with a resistance band or by using a broomstick as a barbell, tensing the entire body and pulling the belly button in." There are also sturdy chin-up bars for the door frame.

Training plan: Back training for women

In the first few weeks, it will be enough for beginners to do 1 to 2 back exercises 2 days a week - for example with their own weight or slight deadlift to learn the technique and get a feeling for the back training. "The back training should be an integral part of the whole body plan for beginners. Two back exercises per training session are enough, "advises coach Huss.
If you already have training experience, you should adjust the back training to your level. Basically, however, then a maximum of three back exercises á 2 to 3 sets per training sufficient. If you train the entire body about 2 times a week, you can incorporate complex back exercises into your training plan. Proposal: deadlift and pull-ups in the first training, deadlifts and rowing in the second unit.
Training for women
A clean design is essential when you train with weights © Jacob Lund /
If you divide your training into muscle groups, you can train your entire back muscle chain in a training session: back, buttocks, hamstrings, and calves. Deadlifting and barbed rowing with the barbell are ideal exercises for doing so. In addition, you should supplement the training of the surface muscles with exercises for the deep muscles. According to a study in the US science magazine Medicine & Science in Sports & Exerciseshowed subjects who trained by balance training the deep muscles after a month better posture control. Especially in case of back problems or postural mistakes, the training of the deep muscles should be an integral part of the back training.

Which repetition range is ideal for the back training?

In principle: Technology before volume before intensity. Therefore, always choose a weight that you can move cleanly for at least 8 to 10 repetitions. Also: Be sure to hit the target muscles every time you repeat. Once the technique is in place and you get the muscles right for training, you can think about the rep range. Heavy exercises such as deadlifts and rowing can also be trained in the low range of 5 to 10 reps for maximum power gain. In general, it is worthwhile to do back exercises, but not too hard, because you lose the feeling for the target muscles and the technique suffers so quickly.

Which sports are good for your back as well?

However, for a back training it does not necessarily have to be weight training. "Dancing, rowing, swimming, yoga or gymnastics are great sports to practice your back without weights," says sports therapist Walus. Rowing on the rowing ergometer requires, for example, only a little prior knowledge and is both cardiovascular and back training. In addition, the rowing on the ergometer is a joint-gentle training - ideal for regeneration and rehabilitation.
Swimming is even easier on the joints. The movement in the water, however, requires a higher level of practice than other endurance sports, which is why inexperienced swimmers fatigue faster. Trainer Huss: "Pilates is also a great way to mobilize the back or spine." The best way to combine sports such as Pilates, yoga or swimming with a corresponding strength training - the ideal combination for a healthy, strong back.

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